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8 Tips to Living Frugally

Living frugally is usually considered impossible for some but easy for the rest. When we are asked how to live a frugal life, we find the idea absurd or just not within reach or attainable. We feel that having a lot of things would make us happy and more fulfilled with life. We hold on to things even if they bring us pain or misery, simply because we think that letting go of them would be a loss to us. We sometimes forget that we become more human when we live a simple or frgual life.

1. Focus on cutting expenses

If you are thinking of how to live a frugal life, the first thing that you have to do is to focus on one thing at a certain point in time that maybe you would like to improve or cut down on, example would be clipping coupons or your local store deals. May it be the thing that you do every day, devoting your time and energy on one thing may prove to be more effective in the long run. Once you have accomplished the one thing, move on to another. Another example would be going out and grabbing a coffee before work, think about making coffee at home. Learn to change the habits that cost you money and take that money and put it into savings account or an emergency fund.

2. Let go of clutter

If you want to know how to live a frugal life, you just have to understand how to let go of clutter. Clutter means the things that you have not used in a long time and are only taking up space in your life. You may seem to hold on to these things because they are sentimental to you or for some because it’s too nice to give up. Yet, when you let go of these things, you would realize how much simpler your life could be. Selling those items gives you a bit of cash or you can donate them to your local thrift store and feel great about helping out your community. You can also read our post about making extra cash just by selling your new or used items online.

3. Change where you buy your clothing

People definitely have this impulse to grow the closet and have a lot of choices in clothes. Yet, they still could not decide which clothes to wear on a particular day or occasion. Rather than filling your closet with a lot of clothes, learn how to minimize and buy classic and timeless pieces. Not only can you pair them easily but they will surely last longer than those that you bought on impulse. If you must have all that clothing instead of shopping at the mall, consider shopping at your local thrift store. Not only does it help your wallet, it helps the community too!

4. Plan your meals

Thinking about where to eat your breakfast, lunch, and dinner is an expensive thing when eating outside the home. Not only would you waste countless minutes deciding where to eat but you would also be spending too much for just one meal. Make your money last much longer by cooking at home and planning your meals. Your wallet will thank you for it. Starting a garden for all your fruits and vegetables will save you more and think about raising animals for food and bake your own bread.

5. Get rid of unnecessary monthly expenses 

If you truly want to know how to live a frugal life, get rid of unnecessary monthly expenses. After working hard payday after payday, it is such a waste to see your money fly towards monthly expenses. Re-evaluate and think whether you still need them or if there is an alternative. Getting rid of them would really make your life simpler.

6. Track your expenses

For you to have a frugal life, you have to check where your money is going. Are you making wise budgeting decisions? Are you always going out of your plan? When you do not have a plan on your expenses, it is easy to be out of control. Tracking your expenses makes things clearer for you and can tell you where you need to cut costs.

7. Reuse

Reuse items when you need to, such as bags your groceries came in from the store can be reused as garbage bags, those clothes you no longer want can be used as rags for cleaning or handed down, you get the point. No need to go buy paper towels if you have old clothes that can be used. Think about what items in your home can serve as another purpose.

8. Change the way you think

This is the most important task when deciding to live a frugal lifestyle. You have to change the way you think and not worry about what others say or think. When their bank account has $0 and yours has $1000, you will not only feel proud of yourself but in the long run cut costs and saved for an unexpected emergency. I call that a win win.

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  • Tracy Mejias

    Homesteader and off grid farmer, married to my soul mate and mom to 3 grown kiddos, Nana to 7. Enjoys reading the Bible, rainwater harvesting, bargain hunting, building, repurposing, frugal living, gardening and making all natural body products.

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