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Off Grid Living

Off-the-grid or off-grid is a characteristic of buildings and a lifestyle designed in an independent manner without reliance on one or more public utilities.

If you’ve ever pondered the thought of going off grid or just want to know what being off grid is all about, then keep reading. 

Some will say why go off grid? Most times the answer is Freedom. Some will say less monthly bills and others will say to live off the land. While they are all amazing answers, I personally enjoy all those mentioned above however, to also be happy. 

Happy being off grid? Yes! You wake up each and every day living off the land, no monthly electric bill or sewer bill and no paying someone else rent. Plus you can raise animals for food, garden for herbs, fruits and vegetables and enjoy it all because you’re happy. Who doesn’t want to be happy?

Let’s get into some things that require the most of the where and how and a bunch of other areas pertaining to off grid living.

  • Where, what things do you want your land to have?
  • In what, Cabin, tiny house, RV, build a home
  • Solar
  • Composting, for bathroom use or garden use
  • Septic or Leech field
  • Water: Haul, Catchment or Well
  • Building and repurposing 
  • Homesteading
  • Gardening 
  • Living off the land
  • Animals
  • Making a chicken feed mixture
  • Predators and proofing 
  • Heating and cooling
  • Cooking
  • Keeping food cold
  • Water & Hot water
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Be happy!

These are just a few things to think about when deciding to go off grid or in other words live a more simplified life.

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  • Tracy Mejias

    Homesteader and off grid farmer, married to my soul mate and mom to 3 grown kiddos, Nana to 7. Enjoys reading the Bible, rainwater harvesting, bargain hunting, building, repurposing, frugal living, gardening and making all natural body products.

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