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Rank List

These ranks are given when you complete tasks or earn a certain amount of credits on cluckstead.com. Click on the rank name to show more information.



Earn this rank by:

  • Earn 2500 credits
  • Visit the cluckstead.com website 10 times per day
  • Create a new forum topic 2 times per day
  • Like a forum topic 2 times per day

People who have reached this:

Laying Hen

Earn this rank by:

  • Earn 1000 credits
  • Comment on a post 10 times in a week
  • Reply to a forum topic 5 times in a week

Teenage Chick

Earn 500 credits to request this rank.

Baby Chick

This is the default rank for cluckstead.com users

People who have reached this:

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