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What's your favorite breed of chicken?

1 Posts
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Tracy Mejias
Active Member Admin
7346 Credits
Joined: 6 months ago
Posts: 3
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I have approximately 28 chickens right now and while I have a favorite breed of silkies, I do love my bantam hens, they are a bit skiddish but I love them nonetheless. 

The reason I love silkies so much is because they are super sweet and gentle and even the roosters are gentle and do not try to attack me, my husband or my grand daughter. 

What's your favorite breed and why?

Hi! I’m Tracy owner of cluckstead.com and I love chickens, meeting new people and sharing tips, tricks, recipes, how To’s and more. My husband and I live off grid in northern Arizona on 10 acres with our chickens, cat and dogs.


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