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We have an amazing credit system integrated with the site, where you earn credits (points) for engaging throughout Cluckstead.com. Credits can be redeemed for free items! You also earn ranks and achievements too!

Contact us using the contact us form and send us a post to publish on the site and earn 200 credits. 3 post credits allowed per week. Credits are awarded manually.


24 Credit Awards

5 Credit Deductions

  • Delete a reply on a topic, lose 50 credits
  • -10 Credits for posting a comment marked as spam, each time
  • Dislike a post in the forums, lose 10 credits
  • Delete a forum topic, lose 50 credits
  • Vote down a post, lose 10 credits

Know of someone who you think would like Cluckstead.com, please feel free to share our website on various social media platforms, we’d love it if you did! If someone registers and mentions your name in the Referred by field, we will manually credit you 25 credits for each referral after they register, complete their profile and post 5 topics in the forums. This is limited to 10 times per month.

Visit the post below to learn how you can earn even more credits.

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