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  • Make extra cash

    While this is partially homestead related, it is about letting go of things and making some extra money doing it, in turn helping your homestead and having fun doing it! We have a site called ResaleRacks.com where you can sell new or gently used items and buy them at a fraction of their original cost.

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  • Welcome to Cluckstead!

    We are glad you are here. What exactly is a Cluckstead? Well, it’s a homesteaders place to join a community with other homesteaders, farmers, chicken lovers, animal care takers, frugal repurposing gurus, simple living enthusiasts, gardeners and more ….. where we all share, ideas, recipes, tips & tricks and so much more! Best yet WE

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  • Off Grid Living

    Off-the-grid or off-grid is a characteristic of buildings and a lifestyle designed in an independent manner without reliance on one or more public utilities. If you’ve ever pondered the thought of going off grid or just want to know what being off grid is all about, then keep reading.  Some will say why go off

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  • Emergency Preparedness

    In other words this generally means when the grid goes down what you should have just in case. Others will say this is a survival bag, SHTF kit (Sh*t Hits The Fan) or bug out bag and in time we will all need these no matter where you are or if your in grid or

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  • Rainwater Catchment

    What exactly is rainwater harvesting or catchment? Water catchment is collecting rain water also known as rainwater harvesting. Catchment is the easiest to get and it costs nothing except for the materials used to catch it, store it and be able to use it. No matter the size or shape, a rainwater collection tank should

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