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  • Make extra cash

    While this is partially homestead related, it is about letting go of things and making some extra money doing it, in turn helping your homestead and having fun doing it! We have a site called ResaleRacks.com where you can sell new or gently used items and buy them at a fraction of their original cost.

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  • Welcome to Cluckstead!

    We are glad you are here. What exactly is a Cluckstead? Well, it’s a homesteaders place to join a community with other homesteaders, farmers, chicken lovers, animal care takers, frugal repurposing gurus, simple living enthusiasts, gardeners and more ….. where we all share, ideas, recipes, tips & tricks and so much more! Best yet WE

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  • Chicken Run Made With Pallets

    This creative and cost effective chicken run not only keeps your chickens secure but doesn’t hurt your pocketbook. Sometimes we feel we need the fanciest or super cute and fun chicken coop but think about how much mess chickens make, I mean if only they could clean up after themselves, well that would be ideal

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  • Homemade Marinade

    I love to cook and I love to marinate my meat for a few hours or even a day before I cook them. I use this marinade in everything including white rice to give it an extra kick of flavor along with my homemade Spanish seasoning. This is also great in beans, potatoes and anything

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Welcome to Cluckstead - The Homesteaders Community!


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