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Chicken Coop Made With Pallets

Our first attempt at saving money using pallets to build a large chicken coop and run, all using free pallets and purchasing some building supplies at our local home improvement store. We used old milk crates at the top to allow ventilation but to stop other birds from entering, we also used old milk crates as nesting boxes and a pallet as a roosting bar.

The possibilities are endless when you have an idea in mind, like most homesteaders we didn’t have much money so we decided to see how we could do this more cost effective. In total we spent around $500 and this was for the roof, 2×4’s, siding and screws to put the coop together. At 8’ x 12’ I’d say $500 is a major bargain.

Since the crates have holes we put a small board on the bottoms and covered them with pine shavings and use them as nesting boxes. The attached run we made is small so if it’s a cold day and I don’t want them getting lost outside I don’t open the door for free range time.

We have several smaller coops and runs located throughout our property (10 acres) so that each breed has their own area. Some may ask why several coops? That’s because we have silkies who are smaller so we don’t want them getting bullied with the bigger ladies and gentlemen and we also have a pair of red bantams who are the same size as the silkies but have their own coop as well. We do have hawks and owls around here too.

Here are some pictures of the big coop, leave your comments, we’d love to hear them! Pictures are in no particular order.

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  • Tracy Mejias

    Homesteader and off grid farmer, married to my soul mate and mom to 3 grown kiddos, Nana to 7. Enjoys reading the Bible, rainwater harvesting, bargain hunting, building, repurposing, frugal living, gardening and making all natural body products.

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