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  • Make extra cash

    While this is partially homestead related, it is about letting go of things and making some extra money doing it, in turn helping your homestead and having fun doing it! We have a site called ResaleRacks.com where you can sell new or gently used items and buy them at a fraction of their original cost.

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  • Welcome to Cluckstead!

    We are glad you are here. What exactly is a Cluckstead? Well, it’s a homesteaders place to join a community with other homesteaders, farmers, chicken lovers, animal care takers, frugal repurposing gurus, simple living enthusiasts, gardeners and more ….. where we all share, ideas, recipes, tips & tricks and so much more! Best yet WE

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  • 12 Best Farm Animals

    When you’re creating a farm or already have a farm, what animals do you want on your farm and what do you intend their purpose to be? Do you want animals to work on the farm or for pets? Do you have enough land and are these farm animals allowed? Whether you’re looking for livestock

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  • Chicken Breeds List

    There are many different chicken breeds across the United States and other countries, but here is a general list of breeds. Oh, how I love chickens, be careful chicken math is R E A L! Author Tracy Mejias Homesteader and off grid farmer, married to my soul mate and mom to 3 grown kiddos, Nana

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  • 8 Tips to Living Frugally

    Living frugally is usually considered impossible for some but easy for the rest. When we are asked how to live a frugal life, we find the idea absurd or just not within reach or attainable. We feel that having a lot of things would make us happy and more fulfilled with life. We hold on

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