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  • Make extra cash

    While this is partially homestead related, it is about letting go of things and making some extra money doing it, in turn helping your homestead and having fun doing it! We have a site called ResaleRacks.com where you can sell new or gently used items and buy them at a fraction of their original cost.

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  • Welcome to Cluckstead!

    We are glad you are here. What exactly is a Cluckstead? Well, it’s a homesteaders place to join a community with other homesteaders, farmers, chicken lovers, animal care takers, frugal repurposing gurus, simple living enthusiasts, gardeners and more ….. where we all share, ideas, recipes, tips & tricks and so much more! Best yet WE

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  • Keeping Healthy Chickens

    Chickens are one of the most rewarding and fun pets you can keep on your homestead. Not only do chickens provide delicious farm fresh eggs but they also make wonderful interactive, calming and huggable pets! It doesn’t take much to keep a flock of chickens clucking, but there are some tools and tricks which are

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  • Chicken Coop Made With Pallets

    Our first attempt at saving money using pallets to build a large chicken coop and run, all using free pallets and purchasing some building supplies at our local home improvement store. We used old milk crates at the top to allow ventilation but to stop other birds from entering, we also used old milk crates

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  • Pallet Made Goat Shelter With Slanted Roof

    There are a couple of important things to note about this easy-to-make goat shelter, which also uses pallets. First, notice the slanted roof. And notice that it is slanted toward the rear of the goat shelter. This is important so any rain water will run off behind the shed and your goats can stay dry.

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